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I just completed the order form. When will my VPS become active. Our VPS accounts are guaranteed to be set up within 48 hours of order receipt. However it it is... Are there any limitations as to what software I can run on my server? The only service that we do not allow on our network is IRC. You may use your server for any... DNS propagation If you ever get the error "Error from park wrapper: Using nameservers with the following IPs:... Do I get Full Administrator or Root access to my VPS? You will have full administrator or root access to your VPS.  Do you offer SSL certificates? We use cPanel AutoSSL to automatically install SSL certificates on all domains hosted on our... Free WHMCS or ClientExec Some of our packages include a free license for WHMCS or ClientExec. If you wish to take... How Can I add additional IP Addresses to my current VPS? To add additional IP addresses to your VPS follow the steps outlined below:1) Login to the... How To: Secure and Configure your VPS or Dedicated server How to secure your dedicated or VPS server. Please not that this is only the vary basics!... How do I CHMOD (change permissions) of some files? The easiest way to chmod files (change permissions) is using the FTP client. Log on to your FTP... How do I create URL redirects? When logged into cPanel, the Redirects tool in will allow you to redirect your website's visitors... How do I enable auto upgrade of Softaculous scripts? Login to your cPanel account and head over to Softaculous 1. When doing a install, under... How long does it take to set up my dedicated server? Dedicated servers are setup on a first come first serve basis. A typical setup time is 24-72... How to I enable two-factor authentication? We fully support two-factor authentication in our billing and support portal. We support OATH... How to force SSL with .htaccess If you want to force your entire website to go through https, you can add these rules to your... How to reset the LXadmin "admin" password If you've forgotten your LXAdmin 'admin' password, you can reset it by taking the following... I did not receive my welcome email, but my service is listed as active Sometimes, due to the high volume of mail we will send you in a short period of time some spam... IP Justification Form iWF Hosting / H4Y Technologies LLC IP Address Justification Form v1.1 • Overview The... My service is marked as pending SHARED/RESELLER/VPS: All iWF Hosting orders are reviewed manually by hand to ensure that our... My website shows "Internal Server Error" There are many different possibilities for this. In most cases it is due to a incorrect .htaccess... Resolvers Problem: You are unable to resolve any domain names from within your VPS, or going to your IP... Sample BGP LOA Depending on the RIR your IPs are issued from, your requirements for an LOA may be different. The... Server refused to allocate pty Many customers after changing their VPS's software configuration have experienced the following... What are common service port numbers? cPanel       cPanel 2082   cPanel - SSL 2083   WHM 2086... What is CloudFlare? CloudFlare is a third party service that we offer to our hosting customers. CloudFlare provides... What is Railgun? 1. What is Railgun? Railgun is a WAN optimization technology that we offer our hosting customers... What is VPS hosting? VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting plans give you your own dedicated environment with all the... What is included with full management? Basic support involves 24/7/365 FAST ticket responses, FREE reboots, FREE KVM rental, and $60 per... What is your MySQL hostname? The MySQL hostname is localhost. If you are trying to connect to MySQL from a remote location... What version of PHP am I using? You will find your current running version of PHP under the expandable "Stats" column on the left... Why do I get "access denied" errors when trying to connect to MySQL? If you cannot connect to the MySQL server, this might happen due to several reasons:... [ADVANCED] Edit Windows `hosts` File to Preview Content Need to preview your site on a new server before DNS propagates? Here is the best method...
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